Antwort auf: Day 4 problem: WLAN-name disappears of the WLAN-list | connection error

Foren Adventskalender 2016 Day 4 problem: WLAN-name disappears of the WLAN-list | connection error Antwort auf: Day 4 problem: WLAN-name disappears of the WLAN-list | connection error


Well, this is not a problem or an issue, but this is the goal – what did you expect?!

On day 3 you use the NanoESP as an AP, i.e. your ESP is „a router“.
On day 4, your NanoESP is working as a WLAN Client that should connect to your existing local WLAN Network you provide e.g. via Fritzbox or an equivalent router.

These 2 network modes are totally different and I guess that is the intention of the 2 excercises.
You shoud read carefully the text ;-)