[:de]Calendar 2018[:][:en]Calendar 2018[:]
Day 4: UDP and JSON

Behind the fourth door of the Advent calendar is a set of cables that is very useful for the upcoming hardware setup. But today in our project we are going to look at the JSON format; what is it and…
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Day 3: UDP and Packet Sender

Today’s door reveals another breadboard. It can be plugged into the board of yesterday. The NodeESP board can now be placed on both boards together. However, this constellation will not work for everyone. Breaking off the side parts of the…
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Day 2: OnBoard LED and Update

On the second day you will find a breadboard for the upcoming experiments hidden behind the door. I would recommend however, that you do not yet plug your NodeESP into the board. Let’s first look today at how we launch…
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Day 1: The NodeESP Board

This is the first day of the 2018 Advent calendar project. The time has come to open the first window. Behind this calendar door you will find a microcontroller board. The main task today is to connect to the home…
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Advent Calendar IoT – 2018 [Smarthome Edition]

Adventskalender Internet of Things 2018: Experimente für Smart Home Dank des Adventskalenders Internet of Things (IoT) muss die Wartezeit bis Weihnachten nicht langweilig werden. Der bereits vorprogrammierte Mikrocontroller in Verbindung mit dem Node-RED Programmier-Tool bietet eine Menge Spielraum für 24…
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