Author Archive: fk
(Deutsch) Download Beispielprogramme
Maker Kit für Smart Home

ghfgh Licht, Heizung, Alarm oder Pfl anzenbewässerung: Im vernetzten Heim lassen sich diese und viele weitere Systeme fernsteuern und automatisieren. Steigen Sie mit diesem Maker Kit ein in die Welt des Smart Homes und lernen Sie grundlegende Prozesse und Techniken…
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Everything about the NanoESP WiFi-Board

The Board The NanoESP board has many names. Franzis calls it Pretel Board and Conrad C-Controll IoT WiFi Board. But inside its is all the same: an easy-to-use and Arduino compatible development board in the context of the Internet of…
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(Deutsch) NanoESP Updaten
Check out Blynk_Tag5 app I’ve made.
Hey, I’ve made Blynk_Tag5 app. You are welcome to try it out! To start using it: 1. Download Blynk App: or 2. Touch the QR icon and point the camera to the code below or open the link…
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Day 24: Christmas Tree Lighting

Last but not least, you will find another programmable RGB-LED behind the door of the Advent calendar. Thus, we have two LEDs which you can interconnect to light your Christmas tree. We will need the following setup today. Activate the…
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Day 23: Alarm System

The day before last reveals a tilt sensor behind the door of the Advent calendar. The sensor detects, if it is tilted. We will use it today as a sensor for an alarm system. The speaker from two days ago…
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Day 22: Climate Guard

The door of day 21 reveals again a sensor, which we will use to measure the humidity level present. With the following circuit we will build a comprehensive indoor climate monitor. Our experiment today uses three sensors: the temperature sensor…
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Day 21: Piano Player

The door of day 21 reveals a loudspeaker. We will use it in our experiment today to play some music. We will need a very simple setup for this. In our experiment we will connect the speaker to one of…
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Day 20: Plant Guard

Behind the door is an NTC resistor (Negative Temperature Coefficient) that measures the temperature. Together with the photo transistor and a few wires, we are going to build a plant guard that alerts us, when a plant it is monitoring…
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