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Everything about the NanoESP WiFi-Board

The Board The NanoESP board has many names. Franzis calls it Pretel Board and Conrad C-Controll IoT WiFi Board. But inside its is all the same: an easy-to-use and Arduino compatible development board in the context of the Internet of…
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(Deutsch) NanoESP Updaten
(Deutsch) Die IoT Lernpakete

Sie können das Lernpaket unter anderem hier erwerben: Direkt bei Franzis Bei Bei Elektor Bei Conrad Das Lernpaket Internet of Things gibt es in mehreren Ausführungen. Es gibt eine Franzis und eine Conrad Version. Beide Lernpakete bringt Ihnen das…
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The Conrad advent calendar Internet of Things

Conrad Shop Christmas to arrive. The Arduino compatible microcontroller with integral WLAN module (Pretzelboard) and the included components are perfectly suited for 24 themed, diverse and exciting experiments. Internet of Things includes the communication and control of sensors and actuators…
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(Deutsch) Der Conrad Adventskalender IoT – 2016

Shorten the waiting time for Christmas with exciting and enjoyable experiments done with the Internet of things. Thereby send push messages on your smartphone or build an alarm system with a motion sensor that informs you of suspicious movements. Learn…
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Day 24: Gift box

With the last test in this Advent, we get really Christmasy. We’re building a reusable gift box with which you can delight your relatives. Every time someone opens the present, the contents are lit up in an individual colour, and…
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Day 23: MQTT Climate

Behind the door for today is a battery clip for a 9 V block, with which you can make the entire system moveable. An alternative to a battery is a power bank (a rechargeable battery pack, normally for mobile phones)….
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Day 22: MQTT Cheerlights

Today’s trial is about MQTT and a global project that was presented last year: the Cheerlights Project by Hans Schaaler. For everyone who doesn’t know the project: It’s about globally networked coloured lights that can be simultaneously controlled through Twitter…
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Day 21: House automation

In today’s test, we’ll illuminate the characteristics and possibilities of MQTT in more detail by creating a practical scenario. In the example, there is a building with two rooms, each of which has a light switch, a light and an…
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