Day 20: MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport)

For the last days of this Advent, you’ll now become familiar with a subject that plays a large role in the realm of the IoT. We’re dealing with the messaging protocol MQTT, which was specially developed for the communication from…
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Day 19: Configuration page for the NanoESP

Behind today’s door is another cable. With the two cables it’s possible, for example, to place the RGB LED apart from the board. We’ll need the RGB LED today because the test is about a website with which you can…
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Day 18: Weather monitoring

Behind today’s door is a very special component, namely a humidity sensor. Together with the phototransistor and the NTC, it creates a weather station for at-home use. The following layout is necessary for this purpose: Today’s layout is a bit…
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Day 17: Wake Up Light

Today’s project deals with a well-known lamp from Phillips, the Wake Up Light. This is an alarm clock that, instead of making a loud noise, slowly increases the brightness. This creates a type of sunrise, and one wakes up in…
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Day 16: A web server piano

Behind today’s door is a piezo sound transducer. It’s possible to generate sounds with it, which will become clear in today’s test. Today you’re building a type of piano that can be used via a website. See the following picture…
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Day 15: A web server

Since the Blynk platform was the central point of our projects over the last few days, now we’re coming to a totally new subject: the NanoESP as web server. You’ve already gotten a first impression of it in the test…
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Day 14: Long-term temperature measurement

Behind today’s door is an NTC sensor (negative temperature coefficient thermistor). Its conductivity changes depending on the temperature. You’ll use the sensor today to undertake a long-term measurement of the temperature. As a small bonus, you can select a time…
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Day 13: Alarm system with push messages

Today’s project deals with a simple silent alarm system with password input for resetting the alarm. So that you get anything at all from the alarm, the board sends a push message to your smartphone. We’ll set the tilt sensor that’s…
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Day 12: Light monitor

Behind today’s door, you’ll find a phototransistor. This is a sensor with which the brightness can be measured. You’ll do that today, but in addition to simple measurement, the project also sounds an alarm as soon as limit values that…
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Day 11: Day- and nightlight

Behind today’s door is a 10-kohm resistor, but we don’t need it yet today. Instead, the set-up from yesterday’s test works today as well. In this project, you’ll build a day-night lamp that changes colours at specific times. Thus you…
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